C14-urea breath test in detection of Helicobacter pylori
Reference J31 Bielanski W, Konturek SJ, Dobrzanska MJ, Pytko Polonczyk J, Sito E, Marshall BJ. Microdose C14-urea breath test in...
Diagnosis of Helicobactor pylori in 10 minutes
Reference J32 Peura DA, Pambianco DJ, Dye KR, Lind C, Frierson HG, Hoffman SR, Combs MJ, Guilfoyle E, Marshall BJ. Microdose C14-urea...
C14-urea Breath testing
Reference B17 Marshall BJ. C14-urea Breath testing. Chapter In: H. pylori Protocols by Megraud F and Lee A. 1996. DOWNLOAD...
Radiation dose estimates
Reference J20 Stubbs JB, Marshall BJ. Radiation dose estimates for the Carbon-14-labeled urea breath test. J Nucl Med, 1993;34:821-825....
Breath Test for Helicobacter pylori
Reference J16 Marshall BJ, Plankey MW, Hoffman SR, Dye KR, Frierson HF, Guerrant RL, McCallum RW. A 20-minute breath test for...
Sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility of the C14 urea breath test: evaluation in patients wit
Reference A13 Marshall BJ, Plankey MW, Guerrant RL, McCallum RW. Sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility of the C14 urea breath...
Comparison of C14-urea breath test, microbiology and histology for the diagnosis of Campylobacter Py
Reference A11 Marshall BJ, Guerrant RL, Plankey MW, Dye KR, Barrett L, Frierson HF, Hoffman SR, McCallum RW. Comparison of C14-urea...